Individual Counselling Sessions

One to one sessions offer a safe, confidential space to explore whatever is difficult or challenging in your life as well as what supports and inspires you.

People come for individual sessions for many different reasons including:
• times of change and transition
• relationship difficulties
• loss and bereavement
• personal or spiritual crisis
• anxiety
• stress
• lack of confidence
• challenging patterns of behaviour or emotional states
• deepening a compassionate understanding of themselves and others.

We all need to feel safe, loved, supported, accepted, encouraged and challenged. These sessions offer the opportunity to hear these needs, meet them and have them met, and see what comes in the way of receiving the inner and outer support you need to flourish.

I use all the experience and skill I have to guide you back to what is current and real. I also help you recognize when certain survival strategies and belief structures are activated, how they have helped you in the past and to see whether they are still relevant and helpful in your life today.

When working with trauma I have a sensitive, step-by-step approach that allows for the trauma to release safely in it's own timing.

My work draws upon many years of personal and professional experience including:
Mindfulness - the art of staying present.
Embodiment - the capacity to feel our immediate embodied experience.
Inquiry - an open ended approach to exploration.
Counselling and psychotherapy - many useful skills and techniques that support the exploration and understanding of why we behave the way we do.